DayFR Euro

Cristiano Bacci: “O terceiro golo foi demasiado ea equipa não merecia isso”

Boavista’s coach, Cristiano Bacci, considers that Benfica’s victory is just, not surprising, accredited, but also that his team has a mark and that “no mercy” weighs 3-0 for the final result.

“They [Benfica] Just in Vitoria, it’s normal. But we have our fair share, so much so that it’s the second part of the game”, it’s the Italian technology, it’s not the end of the game, and they’re declared on Sport TV.

Analyze the game: “They [Benfica] Just in Vitoria, it’s normal. But we can still do it, so much so that it’s the second part.”

Boavista disputou o jogo pelo jogo: “We have to press on in our arms, we don’t have to worry about anything, we don’t have to hope. We have to react even if we have our hands, we have to go to the other side and we have a team that doesn’t have anything to worry about.

Lack of bridge: “Até agora, tivemos muitas situações para fazer golo our nossos jogos. Temos de melhorar isso.”

Epoca complicada, sem poder increver jogadores: “I’m very happy with the attitude of the jogadores, they’re always going to be final. Never come across desculpas, nada, nunca. Seguir em frente, fort.”


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