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Employees of the show “Quotidien” denounce their working conditions – Libération

Several testimonies from employees of the TMC show collected by the weekly “Télérama” and published this Monday, September 23, depict an unhealthy work atmosphere in the Bangumi production company.

Behind the show that claims to be the coolest on French television, is there suffering at work? An investigation by Telerama published this Monday, September 23, relays the testimonies of several members and ex-members of the team of Daily, produced by Bangumi and presented on TMC by Yann Barthès, focusing on situations of “burn-out, poor management, harassment situations”.

According to the weekly, many employees of the production company founded by Laurent Bon and Yann Barthès are questioning the working conditions within the structure. “It’s a crazy company with crazy resources… but it can also very easily crush you,” explains, for example, anonymously a former executive.

“I was blacklisted overnight.”

Telerama reports in particular the case of a graphic designer who had worked among the post-production teams. On December 6, he took part in the movement of intermittent workers in the audiovisual sector in favor of a wage increase. A short hour of strike, from 3 to 4 p.m., for this graphic designer who had worked for four years in the company. The next day, he was summoned by the head of post-production, who showed him the door. His supporters were dismissed. “Overnight, I was blacklisted. My request for an explanation went unanswered and I was removed from all the discussion groups,” a seasoned editor tells the weekly, who points out to Telerama having posted a message of support on Telegram.

Another example is that of a former editor-in-chief of Reports by Martin Weill, monthly show presented by the former star reporter of Daily, arrested since March due to burnout. In a letter that Telerama quote, the latter denounces “intimidation, harsh, gratuitous, public, incessant criticism” of Martin Weill towards him. In Bangumi, “it’s do or die”, summarize several employees. “Frankly, let’s not exaggerate! reacts producer Laurent Bon to the weekly. We have a daily life to manage, it’s hard and not everyone is necessarily cut out for it. So, we provide support or we guide people towards something else.”


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