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In , residents denounce the high cost of living

Florin Hossu (correspondent in ), edited with Marina Sgard / Photo credit: Ed JONES / AFP
07:34, September 23, 2024

Several dozen protesters blocked supermarkets this weekend in Martinique to denounce the high cost of living. On the island, prices are three to four times higher than in mainland , while a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line.

Wearing red t-shirts to express their anger, protesters in Martinique point out the high cost of living in the overseas territory with prices three to four times higher than in mainland France. The prices do not seem to be in line with its population since a quarter live below the poverty line.

A kilo of tomatoes for seven euros

In Martinique supermarkets, food prices are soaring. “A pack of milk normally costs three euros. Here, it will cost between ten and eleven euros,” complained Jean-Claude, a father. For her part, another customer is alarmed by the price of tomatoes, which are seven euros per kilo for those grown in France and five euros for local ones. “It has become a luxury to eat fresh vegetables and fruits,” she added.

Prices “40% more expensive” than in mainland France

For the former MP for Fort-de-France, Johnny Hajjar, author of a parliamentary report on the high cost of living in Martinique, the State must strengthen the control of commercial practices. “The whole issue of concentrations, that is to say of those who control the supply chains. The issue of the accumulation of margins too, because there is no transparency. That is the issue”. According to INSEE, food prices are 40% more expensive in Martinique compared to the average prices observed in mainland France.


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