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Besançon. The municipal council ends without the opposition

It’s 21h30 when the municipal council meeting was held on the 19th September took a turn as unexpected as it was radical. It began at 17h, the session had been proceeding until then in a usual routine, Anne Vignot and Ludovic Fagaut marvelously playing their duet act that they master on their fingertips. Between debates of ideas, remonstrances, jokes and calls for calm, the deliberations followed one another, without much surprise.

This is when point 47, devoted to the single social report, arrives. After pointing out the increase in sick leave and the number of agents who have resigned since Anne Vignot came to power, the elected representative of the Republicans brandished an A4 sheet that would electrify the evening. It is “of a letter sent to residents of rue de Trépillot asking them to report municipal agents who steal equipment or use it for personal purposes. This takes us back to a dark period in our history“, Ludovic Fagaut gets carried away. An intervention which immediately provokes a reaction from his opposition counterpart, Laurent Croizier (Modem).: «I discovered this letter. If there is a problem, the director of services orders an investigation, but people are not asked to denounce municipal agents.».

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“Where are the excuses?”

Anne Vignot pleads a “extreme clumsiness” and a misunderstanding of the text: «Our goal is to protect our agents. We no longer want to receive anonymous letters denouncing them.” An argument that does not convince the opposition elected officials.

A suspension of the session is enacted and the two leaders of the protest request a meeting of the group leaders, refused by those of the majority. The session resumes, and Claude Varet (LR) reads the entire letter to the assembly. The last sentence seals the conviction of the elected representatives of the center and the right: «If you are, or have been, witness to such situations, please do not hesitate to inform me.».

He is the deputy of the 1re constituency which will speak first: «The response from the mayor is too light. Where are the excuses?? We don’t want explanations, we want apologies. Without an apology, we will leave the session.».

27 reports in seven minutes

With Anne Vignot sticking to her defensive line, the opposition elected officials unanimously put away their computers, turned off their microphones and left the municipal council while around twenty items on the agenda remained to be debated.

An opposition proud to have defended its convictions, even if the smiles on some faces suggest the satisfaction of a successful political coup, which the city councilor does not fail to castigate: «The opposition is exploiting an unwelcome letter dated April in an overplayed and offbeat way».

The rest of the evening went by at the pace of a TGV, 27 gears in seven minutes. And so much the worse for the public debate.

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