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MP Sophie Errante leaves the Macronist group

By Le Figaro with AFP

7 hours ago,

Updated 6 hours ago

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Since the start of the legislative elections, four Macronist personalities have already left the presidential camp. Sophie Errante will now sit with Sacha Houlié’s non-registered members.

MP Sophie Errante, a former socialist and one of Emmanuel Macron’s first supporters in 2017, announced to Mediapart on Friday, September 20, that she was leaving the Macronist group in the National Assembly, becoming the fourth personality to desert the presidential camp since the July legislative elections. “These two years have been very hard in terms of method”explained the 53-year-old MP for -Atlantique, who claims to have “felt a break” from 2022.

She now intends to sit with the non-registered members alongside Sacha Houlié, another representative of the left wing of the presidential camp who slammed the door in July. Sophie Errante points out a “contempt” according to her from the presidential camp, in particular for the “institutions and functions”mentioning the past pension reform “in kamikaze method”as well as the immigration law against which she voted.

“Lots of people in doubt”

“We were at the height of the unbearable”she told Mediapart. “I also heard comments from some of my colleagues about the so-called ‘migratory flood’ that were intolerable.”she added. She considers that the group is today “an aggregate of personalities”but “not a collective” and that “no one really talks”.

She is the fourth MP from the Ensemble pour la République and related group, which had 99 elected members after the legislative elections, to desert the Macronist benches, two others having announced that they would join Édouard Philippe. Is this the start of a haemorrhage in the group? “I sense a lot of people who are in doubt”said Sophie Errante.


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