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“We have an LR Prime Minister even though we got 8%,” says the party secretary…

Wishful thinking of the left or real possibility, we’ll let you be the judge. “Do you think he’s capable of holding his mandate? He’s hated in the country, a minority in public opinion,” she declared. It was also an opportunity to praise… Jean-Luc Mélenchon, according to her, the most likely to succeed the current president.

“And we won this because we were the ones who vetoed Emmanuel Macron’s idea of ​​having a Prime Minister from the far left.” Not sure we should be publicly celebrating this, but my goodness? He says his party will work “together” with the Macronist camp, even if “it won’t be easy.”

Well, at the same time, he’s been saying that for about 300 years, if you didn’t understand it before, you have a listening problem.

She too, in the morning, the EELV deputy expressed her feelings: “We came out on top and we were deprived of the result of this election”

As you will have understood, the morning will be composed in particular of bazooka declarations from the left, a bit of the immense cuckold of these elections it is true. We continue therefore with Clémentine Autain, ex-LFI, who sees in this government “a disgrace”.

According to Info, the arrival of Laurence Garnier at the Ministry of the Family had provoked controversy, notably because of her vote against marriage for all in 2013, as well as for the constitutionalization of abortion in March.

And who shows us his CV on Twitter

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The “angry” LFI leader did not mince her words on TF1: “We have a government that promises to recycle all the losers of the elections” and “an extreme right-wing shift of Macronism.”

Among the full ministers, seven are Macronists, three Republicans, two MoDem, one Horizons and one UDI.

And yessss, after weeks of procrastination, Michel Barnier seems – finally – to have ticked off the names of his ministers, and promised to “announce them before Sunday”


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