DayFR Euro

Knife murder in : a settling of scores against a backdrop of drug trafficking?

Police investigations are continuing into the murder of a 38-year-old man on Place Rallier-du-Baty in . The possibility of a fight between night owls is fading. The possibility of a settling of scores over drug trafficking is becoming more pressing. According to our information, it was in , by chance, during a check at a drug dealing point that the main suspect in the murder was arrested on Sunday 15 September. This young man in his twenties was the subject of a search warrant issued by the Rennes organised and specialised crime division (formerly PJ).

Scissor cuts

A few days earlier, the young man’s DNA had been formally identified at the crime scene. Investigations established that twenty minutes before the murder, the perpetrator of the stabbing had been injured by scissors blows given by the victim. Three other men involved in the fight are still being sought.

In police custody, the young man admitted to fighting with the victim and stabbing her. Frédéric Teillet, public prosecutor, said that: “his criminal record shows nine convictions (almost all from juvenile courts) for drug trafficking and aggravated theft, some of which involved violence.” Yesterday, Tuesday, September 17, the young man was charged with voluntary manslaughter and placed in pretrial detention.


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