Match: Arsenal, Neves, the injured, the calendar, etc., Luis Enrique’s conference before PSG/

Match: Arsenal, Neves, the injured, the calendar, etc., Luis Enrique’s conference before PSG/
Match: Arsenal, Neves, the injured, the calendar, etc., Luis Enrique’s conference before PSG/Rennes

Luis Enrique was relaxed on the subject of injuries, but not really willing to respond to recent criticism, who spoke this Thursday at a press conference on the eve of PSG/. The Spanish coach was also questioned about several sentences from his documentary as well as the overloaded calendar and the Club World Cup. Here are his comments in full, translated by us.

How do you explain that PSG has been a little less flamboyant for two matches?

“A little more flamboyant or less flamboyant? Ah, less flamboyant (laughs). I also said to myself, so much positivity so early in the day… (he rubs his hands). I was a little surprised (smile). It’s life, it’s life my love (in French). It’s football. »

Do you find that your players are less physically fit since returning from the international break?

“I feel things completely differently. Over the course of a season, there is an evolution. There are better times and worse times. This is part of the logical process of growing a team. I feel quite the opposite. My team resolves in a positive way the negative situations posed to us by adversaries. All players have a strong desire to improve. I have a totally different feeling than you. »

How will the match against Arsenal dictate your choices against Rennes with a fairly full infirmary?

“At no time, when I start the match against Rennes, am I going to think about the Arsenal match. We have to win the match against Rennes, that’s the important match. The near future doesn’t interest me at all. »

João Neves has played just under 400 minutes since the start of the season. What assessment do you make of his acclimation to PSG and can you tell us precisely what more you expect from him on the pitch?

“João Neves is a player perfectly suited to my idea of ​​a game”

“What I expect from him is a bit what I expect from all my midfield players. He is a player perfectly suited to my idea of ​​the game, with vital characteristics for us, namely not losing the ball under pressure. Few players have this characteristic. He also has this vision of the game, this physical power, this intelligence, this relationship with others. I believe he is adapting quickly even though he is still at the beginning of this adaptation. This applies to him as well as to the other recruits Safonov, Doué and Pacho. There is good harmony with the rest of the team and I am very happy with their contribution. »

You will play three matches in nine days before the new international break. There are many injured. How are you approaching this period?

“These are usual times for a top team and we are delighted to be able to play all these matches. It’s true that this period comes when we have several small problems, but there are no serious injuries apart from the three that we have already known for a while. These are small problems that always arise throughout a season and that we know how to resolve as a team. »

In your upcoming documentary series on Movistar, you say that you would not have coached PSG with Messi, Neymar and Mbappé. For what ?

“I already don’t remember anything anymore. (then in French) I don’t remember anything. I will use this press conference to tell you that I will not comment on any sentence in the documentary taken out of context. I don’t regret anything I said, but I won’t comment because these things were said in the heat of the moment. What I said, I mean it, is my opinion. »

You also say in this documentary that you would be willing to lower your salary to talk less to journalists. Can you just explain to us the relationship you have with us and what bothers you about the media exercise?

“I actually have a good time with you, with the press. But if you give me the choice, I would have no problem not speaking to the press. However, I have never cut short a press conference. I like to talk. But it was a spontaneous reflection and it’s true that if today you make me sign a paper where it says that I no longer speak to the press and that in return, they reduce my salary by 25% or even 50%, I’ll sign it right away. But I think it’s impossible because in the contracts we sign with the clubs, there is the obligation to speak. I’m having a good time with you, but if I could avoid it, I would avoid it. Especially after matches, because I don’t have the energy then. But I repeat, I have a good time with you and I see you laughing too, so I think it’s not so horrible for you either. »

You have a lot of injured players and a new international break is coming soon. How do you anticipate this? Do you have direct contact with the other selectors? Specific requests?

“We have a sufficiently large and high-level workforce to find solutions”

” No. I actually don’t spend any energy on it. I was an atypical coach, who offered rest to my players who played a lot at club level. Here, I often give my players a rest when I see that there is an excessive workload. That’s my way of thinking as a coach. I think a lot about the workload, the travel, the age, the player profile. This is my way of understanding this sport. Today we have small things with certain players, but it’s our job to manage that. We have a sufficiently large and high-level workforce to find solutions. »

I’m going to pose a little challenge to you: can you give me a tactical answer while speaking French?

“No (smile). For that, I have Pedro Piqueras and Alberto Piernas who are perfectly bilingual and speak perfect French. When I talk tactics with my players, I speak in Spanish and they translate into French. My goal is to do it in French, I’m sure I’ll succeed, but to speak with you in French, I will do it when I really have room to avoid making a mistake. »

You are in a very high pressure position. How do you manage it and what is the most difficult pressure to manage: that of the club, the supporters or the media pressure?

“I feel privileged to be under this pressure”

“Pressure… If I have pressure, it’s a good thing. This means that I occupy an important position, that I am in an important club, that I have high-level players. I resent this pressure. Then, I’m not stupid. I have lived with pressure for years. If the results are good, we are liked, if they are not good, someone else will come in my place and try to do better than me. I take on all the challenges of this sport. I feel privileged to be under this pressure. »

You were forced to face a low block against . What is your team missing technically and tactically to be as effective as possible against low blocks this season?

“The low blocks are always the theory of relativity. What I mean is that teams always try to do different things. We were able to see it in the Champions League with a very high level match. It’s always difficult to face 10 players who play behind the ball. But it’s also a problem if they press high. We coaches always prepare ourselves to anticipate the problems that will arise for us. For example Rennes, in their previous matches, pressed very high. Will they also press high against us? I think sometimes yes, but sometimes no. I don’t think they will do it systematically because they will adapt to their opponent. We are a dominant team, which has more possession than the opponent, so the opponent adapts and will inevitably do things that you don’t expect. My job, along with my staff, is to face possibilities and potential problems and find solutions. But historically, it’s very difficult to play against a low block. »

I come back to this pressure of always having to win. This is your second season at PSG, do you feel there is a little less pressure?

“Honestly, no. There is also internal pressure, that of the staff, to always want to improve. I know the club’s standards, its objectives, and our objective is to make history. To do this, you have to win everything and win the most important competition. That’s my goal, I’m not here for anything else. »

This Rennes team has had a rather mixed start to the season. What do you expect from your players against this team?

“Rennes has the same coach as last season. There have been some changes in their squad, but they are still a team that plays at the top of the table. She already caused us a lot of problems last season. We know that they will vary their game during the match, perhaps alternating between high pressing, medial pressing, low pressing. We expect that and what is certain is that there are no easy matches. There will be difficulties, but I am always an optimistic person. We know that in general, we will have more of the ball than our opponent. We are also going to play at the Parc des Princes, which is a big source of motivation and we want to continue to play good football and take points. »

You have started 21 players since the start of the season. Are you satisfied with everyone’s contribution to shaking up the hierarchy?

“I believe this strategy has different objectives. The first is to give opportunities to everyone so that they feel that they can play at this club. The second thing is to be prepared for all situations: injuries, physical decline. And finally, I also believe that it is more beautiful to face a season as long as this one from a global point of view, not just with 11, 12 or 13 starters. I think this strategy has more advantages than disadvantages. It’s certain that with 11 players, you can have clearer objectives, a clearer game idea, but what interests me is the more global context and you can’t do that with 11 or 15 players. You need 20 or 23 players who can help the team and who every day in training show you that they can play. This is how I think a team is most likely to grow. »

Guardiola and Rodri recently spoke out about the infernal rates, saying that it was up to the players to take leadership on this and go on strike. Do you think that it is up to the actors to act to force those who decide to overload the schedule?

“The Club World Cup is a very attractive competition”

“Without a doubt. It’s up to the actors to speak. I agree that the schedule is overloaded, but especially theirs. Ours is a little less busy because we have two fewer teams in Ligue 1, so four fewer matches. We also have one less competition to play than the English. I agree that a less busy schedule favors everyone. But we are in a better situation. The Club World Cup? It’s only once every four years… I think it’s a very attractive competition, everyone wants to play it, even the players. This is something that has never been done. But again I agree, the schedule could be reduced, and that would allow for better care of the players. But our panorama is different from English or Spanish football. I share their opinion, but in my situation, I have no right to complain. »



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