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Live. It is “out of the question” to “support” a government that increases taxes, says Darmanin

Michel Barnier is reportedly considering raising taxes. The Prime Minister is said to have mentioned a future tax increase during his discussions with various interlocutors in recent days, according to information from BFMTV And The Parisian. Citing discussions held during the ongoing consultations, these media outlets are talking about increases that would aim “wealthy taxpayers and the most profitable companies.” The reestablishment of a wealth tax was also discussed. But this decision, if confirmed, would not pass at the house of LRepublicans – including Laurent Wauquiez – as well as outgoing Macronist ministers – including Gérald Darmanin, expected to join a major ministry. Referring to “hearsay”, Matignon reacted to the Parisian : “The only thing the Prime Minister said is that he would not rule out moving towards greater tax justice. That is the only direction.”

New government: Gabriel Attal requests clarification to determine “participation” of Macronists. Prime Minister Michel Barnier must clarify his “political line, particularly on possible tax increases and on the major government balances”, so that Macronist deputies consider joining his government, believes Gabriel Attal in a message to members of the Ensemble pour la République (EPR) group. “Despite the two meetings organized, and the Prime Minister’s visit during our parliamentary days, we do not yet have clear visibility,” wrote the group’s president, explaining that he had requested a new meeting with Michel Barnier “to decide on [leur] participation in government”.

2025 Budget: Coquerel and de Courson leave Matignon “angry”. Having come to Matignon to collect the ceiling letters setting the credits for each ministry within the framework of the 2025 budget project, the president of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly Eric Coquerel (LFI) and the general rapporteur Charles de Courson (Liot) said they were “angry” after coming out without the requested documents. “We are quite stunned (…) because we were refused access to these documents,” declared Eric Coquerel as he left Matignon, about half an hour after his arrival. “It is a constitutional right that is granted to the chairman of the Finance Committee and the general rapporteur of the budget, we were refused it,” he added, accusing President Emmanuel Macron of “endangering democracy.”

Michel Barnier could present his budget eight days late, a first. For the first time under the Fifth Republic, the government may not respect the legal deadlines set for the examination of the 2025 state budget by Parliament, according to information from Politico confirmed by The WorldMichel Barnier is therefore considering, in order to save time, submitting his draft finance bill to the Assembly on 9 October, eight days after the deadline of 1 October.

Emmanuel Macron’s impeachment proceedings deemed admissible. The procedure for the impeachment of the President of the Republic, initiated by the deputies of La Insoumise in mid-August, was deemed admissible speak office of the National Assembly on Tuesday. The text was sent to the Law Commission. The highest executive body of the lower house has therefore validated the first stage of this procedure, by 12 votes to 10 according to the leader of the Union of the Right for the Republic group, Eric Ciotti. The New Popular Front, which has 12 votes out of the 22 in the Bureau, benefited from the favorable vote of the Socialist Party. But the latter also indicated on Monday evening that it would then vote “against” the dismissal of the President of the Republic.

European Commission: Stéphane Séjourné inherits a key portfolio in industry. The day after Thierry Breton’s dramatic departure from the European Commission, the head of French diplomacy, Stéphane Séjourné, who is replacing him, will take over a key portfolio for industrial strategy within the new Commission, announced President Ursula von der Leyen. The new commissioner, chosen at the last minute to the detriment of the outgoing Thierry Breton, will be responsible for the recovery of European industry, a major priority for the coming years. He will inherit the title of “Executive Vice-President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy”.

For Fabien Roussel, “the Barnier government is hanging by a thread.” Questioned on his departure from Matignon, the national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel confirmed that there would be no communist minister in the Barnier government. He believes that “the Prime Minister is in a difficult situation for him, his government is hanging by a thread, either it is a right-wing thread or a left-wing thread, it is going to be complicated for him, he made that clear to us.”

Marine Le Pen is “the most powerful woman in France,” says Marie-Hélène Thoraval. For Marie-Hélène Thoraval, the diverse right-wing mayor of Romans-sur-Isère (Drôme), guest on CNews, Michel Barnier will be at the mercy of the National Rally: “You only have to look at the distribution of the National Assembly, the most powerful woman in France – I dare say it – is Marine Le Pen, she has never had so much power of influence.” “It represents 11 million voters and its level of influence was given to it by the political maneuvers that were carried out between the first and second rounds, this form of republican front.”


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