DayFR Euro

Macron gets his due for Breton’s head


Let’s remove La Insoumise from the Republican Arch

Nicolas Beytout

Verbal violence, physical violence, the National Assembly has regularly distinguished itself since 2022 by the excesses of several of its elected representatives, generally from La France insoumise. This time, by launching impeachment proceedings against the President of the Republic, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party has chosen to take a new step in absolute political violence. Threatening the Head of State with an infamous procedure once reserved for cases of high treason, accusing him of a “breach of his duties manifestly incompatible with the exercise of his mandate” (Article 68 of the Constitution), transforms the political fight into total war. Emmanuel Macron’s crime? Having refused to appoint Lucie Castets to Matignon, an unknown, without any political experience or authority, a candidate who appeared from (almost) nowhere and who seems to have a good chance of returning since the New Popular Front which had made her its star of the summer is in the process of abandoning her like a common clerk.


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