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Does the history of begin with the reign of Clovis?

Virginie Girod
SEASON 2024 – 202505:00, September 18, 2024

In the 5th century AD, as the Western Roman Empire was finally collapsing, Clovis I established himself through his conquests and became king of all the Franks. Over the centuries, more or less documented episodes of his life, such as his baptism, the episode of the vase or the battle of Tolbiac, became founding stories of the History of , while he was designated as the very first of our kings.

But how is a national history written? Does the history of France really begin with the reign of Clovis?

To talk about it, Virginie Girod receives the historian Bruno DumézilUniversity Professor of Medieval History, specialist in the Early Middle Ages and author, notably of the book The baptism of Clovis, December 24, 505? published by Gallimard.

Topics covered: History of France, Middle Ages, national novel

At the Heart of History is a Europe1 podcast.

– Presentation: Virginie Girod

– Production: Armelle Thiberge and Morgane Vianey

– Directed by: Clément Ibrahim

– Composition of original music: Julien Tharaud and Sébastien Guidis

– Promotion and coordination of partnerships: Marie Corpet

– Visual: Sidonie Mangin

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