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Marçon. Cohesion day for 3rd year students

With a view to cohesion and meetings, the teachers of the Maréchal-Leclerc vocational high school had organised a day on Thursday at Lake Varennes so that the 35 pupils from 3e know each other better.

They come from different establishments in , recalls Martial Méaude, professor. This day will allow them to get to know each other and appreciate each other.” This class allows orientation towards a professional path, through internships in companies, with also general education.

During the day, the students took part in several workshops: football, basketball, tug-of-war and volleyball.

The last event was a team quiz on general knowledge. Nathan, 14, comes from Coulaines: ” This day allowed me to meet people I didn’t know, which was positive.” Alexis, 14 years old, who arrived from Mayet college, was able to ” chat with boys and girls who come from elsewhere. I was also able to participate in group activities. It was a good day to start the school year.”


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