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Fitness Day at the Friendship Circle – Le Petit Journal

Walkers with F. Albagnac, president of the eponymous company
Credits: EV

After an interruption due to Covid, the Cercle de l’Amitié du Plateau de Sauzet has relaunched the Journée de la Forme, which used to bring together the associations affiliated with Générations Mouvement in the Montcuq sector every year. Set for September 14, this edition unfortunately had mixed success, with only half of the associations present. The day began with a hike bringing together around twenty walkers, starting from the Sauzet town hall. Along the way, a visit to the Albagnac factory, which specializes in the manufacture of labeling machines for various containers, provided an instructive break. The company’s president, Fabien Albagnac, and Cyril Henras guided visitors through this modern factory, offering captivating explanations about their work. After this industrial interlude, the group headed to Cambayrac to continue the day at the village hall, kindly provided by the town hall. A tasty meal, prepared by volunteers, brought the guests together in a friendly atmosphere. Jean-Jacques Maures, mayor of the town, greeted the participants before the festivities continued in the afternoon with various activities: pétanque, belote and scrabble. The day ended in good spirits, with the hope that another association will take over next year. A big thank you to the volunteers, Claire-Noelle, Jean-Pierre, Rosy, Jean-Claude, Cécile, Danièle, Sophia and Alain, for their impeccable organization.

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