DayFR Euro

fuel at its lowest price since… 2021

Here is some news that will delight motorists: for several weeks, we have seen that the price of fuel has been falling. This is an opportunity to fill up with petrol at a low price.

Remember: in 2022, the price of fuel experienced an unprecedented increase. In some gas stations in , motorists had to pay 2 euros per liter to fill up with gasoline. A sudden increase that had put a strain on the budget of many drivers.

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Today, the situation has greatly improved. Since August, the price of fuel has been falling steadily and now is the time to fill up.

Diesel at less than 1.50 euros per litre

According to figures from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, on Monday, September 16, 135 French stations were offering diesel below 1.52 euros per liter, compared to only six stations last week. Similarly, 12 stations are offering fuel at less than 1.50 euros per liter, including seven Leclerc stations. As a reminder, two months ago, diesel was priced at 1.70 euros per liter and SP 95 at 1.82 euros.

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The last time fuel prices were this low was in December 2021, before the start of the war in Ukraine which caused a spike in prices. At that time, motorists paid 1.53 euros per litre for diesel and 1.60 euros per litre for SP 95.

If the price of fuel has dropped significantly recently, it is because the price of a barrel of Brent (the world’s benchmark for oil) has also dropped. The price of a barrel of Brent determines that of 60% of the oil extracted in the world. Currently, it is around 70 dollars, which is why we are experiencing such a big drop. So don’t hesitate to go and fill up quickly because we don’t know how long this situation will last.


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