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Residents tie themselves to trees on their street to express their anger (photo)

LThe residents of André Ullenslei Avenue in Schoten, Flanders, chained themselves to the lime trees on their street on Tuesday morning, reports The latest newsThe reason: 43 trees are at risk of disappearing following the redevelopment of the street for the construction of a sewer system. The project also plans to replant young maple trees.

For the residents, this information is not enough to calm their anger. Their argument is that these trees are probably a hundred years old and “have survived two world wars”. “We have no fear of being taken away by the police. Doing nothing is not an option”, comments Judith Spijker (72), a resident of the street. “Let them arrest us. We will show that we absolutely do not agree with this until the last moment.”

Karin de Boevé, a local resident, adds: “The noise of the saw is terrible. You can still see the birds flying out of the trees. There is no respect for nature. While the rest of Europe is flooded, here they cut down trees casually.”


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