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Raffaele Fitto takes coffee and cornetto with Michele Emiliano. It contains the gelato Palazzo Chigi: 77 euros, Iva compresa

Here’s a coffee? Raffaele Fitto, minister of European Affairs, the South, the politician of cooperation and the Pnrr has invited the governor of Puglia, Michele Emiliano, at his office at the Galleria Alberto Sordi at Largo Chigi Monday, September 16. The scope will be finalized by agreement with the Region of Puglia, in the original archive mode if transferred to Brussels as a new commissioner (and former vice-president) of the European Commission of Ursula Von der Leyen. And the incontro è riuscito, come i due protagonisti hanno poi spiegato in un comunicato stampa. Solo che que caffè è andato un pizzico di traverso agli aministratori di Palazzo Chigi, wheno è stato presentato il conto. Perché rischia di essere il caffè more caro della storia.

The cost of the agreement directly to the catering

For 36.5 euros the coffee was tested and served by a napolet coffee maker

To feel the taste of Emiliano, if you have a good appetite, you will have to take a catering service to prepare a first meal of the ospite. Caffè, certo, ma anche tea, latte, succo di frutta, acqua, cornetti e un po’ di pasticceria secca para dare un pizzico di energia alla mattinata. If you do not know how to use the coffee machine, it is ready to use and it has to be used for this purpose. Si tratta della ditta Ri.Ca. Srl di Somma Vesuviana (Napoli), che sabato 14 ha inviato per e-mail prior to acceptance. Please note: “the cost of the service for 2 people is for a total cost of 77 euros, VAT included”. Quindi 38.5 euros for a commensal: a davvero d’oro caffè.

La replica dell’ufficio stampa di Fitto: preventivo per greater ospiti

Subsequently to the publication of the notice the office stamp of the minister Fits you to specify which one with the Emiliano was only a coffee, including the preventive of 77 euros if you refer to a colazione avvenuta alle 8 del mattino “with the possibility of stranieri” of cooking no if forniscono le generalità, e quindi “per più persone”. The warning of the said message (this gesture at the internal bar of the Galleria Sordi) is to open a page if it happens to be for “per 2 people” as it may be light.

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