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Real estate crisis: a hundred new apartments put on sale at reduced prices for five days on Veepee

Faced with the real estate crisis, several developers have joined forces with the online sales platform Veepee.

More than 100 apartments have been put up for sale at knockdown prices since Tuesday morning.

The TF1 news program looks at this commercial operation of unprecedented scale.

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The 8 p.m. news

You know private sales sites for buying clothes, shoes and even trips at reduced prices. And now… apartments. An idea that arouses, a priori, the suspicion of passers-by interviewed in the report of the 8pm news on TF1 visible at the top of this article. “I prefer to see what I’m buying, and I want to see what’s going on around it, what it’s like,” assures one of them. However, since 7 am this Tuesday, September 17, the Veepee platform has indeed been offering 111 new properties for sale, as on any real estate listing site.

And during this sale, the prices will be reduced. For example, on a T4 offered for sale in at 400,000 euros on Veepee instead of 430,000 euros normally. Here, no agency fees, but margins kept secret. Their amount is minimal, however assures the platform, to offer the biggest discounts possible to their customers.

Up to 90,000 euros discount

“The French developers will offer them what we call the ‘tails of stock’, that is to say what remains of the real estate programs, the few apartments that they have not yet managed to sell and with an extremely strong discount, since there will be a discount of up to 90,000 euros, of the order of approximately 8% on the programs”, explains Xavier Court, co-founder and partner of Veepee.

With these sales, the developers who are participating hope to revive a stalled real estate market in . Since the beginning of the year, new property prices have fallen. The cause: interest rates, which have risen from 1.2% three years ago to 3.8% today.

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To attract buyers, developers have turned to platforms like Veepee, visited by three million people every day. “This commercial action will allow us to have better visibility, therefore to capture contacts via the platform and through these users, and to increase our sales”, assures Kotar Seille, responsible for social media relations and national partner sales for Les Nouveaux constructeurs. Like every private sale, Veepee’s is for a limited time. Only five days to buy a new home at a reduced price.

The TF1info editorial team | TF1 report: Johan Maviert, Tasslime Maazouzi, Florence Couturon


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