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INTERVIEW. Private daycare centers: “Profits at the expense of children,” denounces Victor

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 07:01


Victor Castanet, independent journalist. After his book “Les Fossoyeurs”, which denounced the management of retirement homes, Victor Castanet is releasing his new book “Les Ogres” on September 18 to denounce the economic system of private daycare centers. © Stéphane Geufroi / Ouest-

Two years after Les Fossoyeurs and its shockwave on the Orpéa group's nursing homes, Victor Castanet is releasing Les Ogres on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. In this new investigative book, the journalist deciphers the functioning of private daycare centers based on numerous testimonies. As the author recounts in this interview, some structures are accused of making profit a priority, to the detriment of the children they care for, who are sometimes mistreated.

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Collected by Johan BESCOND. Ouest-France


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