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The big equinox tides arrive tomorrow, here's where to admire them!

As the equinoxes approach, we can witness a grandiose spectacle on the French coasts. high equinox tideseagerly awaited by lovers of seascapes, promise striking scenes in several coastal regions. This phenomenon, which as its name suggests, occurs twice a year, will begin this evening on the French coast and will last all weekend. The highest coefficients are expected on the night of Thursday to Friday in .

Understanding the phenomenon of high equinox tides

The great equinox tides are the result of a particular alignment between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. During the equinoxes, the Sun is exactly above the Earth's equator, exerting a stronger attraction on the oceans. Combined with the gravitational influence of the Moon, this astronomical configuration causes tides of exceptional amplitude.

This year, the tidal coefficients will reach remarkable values, going up to 115 in certain regions such as or . These figures announce a particularly impressive spectacle.

The best sites to observe the high tides in

: land of choice

Normandy is one of the most popular regions for admiring the high tides. At the heart of this region, the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay is a must-see site. During the highest tide coefficients, the Mont becomes a real island again, offering a spectacle that is unique in the world. To fully enjoy this panorama, several observation points are recommended: Mont-Saint-Michel itself, of course, but also La Roche Torin in Courtils, the Pont de Pontaubault or the belvedere of the Avranches botanical garden.

Further north, in the Cotentin peninsula, the island of Tatihou offers an original experience. Accessible on foot during the low tides, it allows visitors to live to the rhythm of the tides. The cape of the Haguefor its part, offers a striking view from its customs path, particularly spectacular in autumn and winter when the waves crash against the Goury lighthouse.

: between history and wild nature

Brittany is not far behind when it comes to observing high tides. Saint-Malowith its historic ramparts, is a privileged site to admire this phenomenon. The Bastion of Holland, in particular, offers a breathtaking view of the waves crashing against the walls of the corsair city, creating a spectacle that is both powerful and majestic.

For those looking for a wilder experience, the Fort-La-Latte in Brittany offers exceptional panoramas of the movements of the sea, far from the tourist hustle and bustle. The Pointe du Grouin Sud in Vains is also a popular place for lovers of high tides, offering a unique view of the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel.

The Atlantic coast: varied and spectacular spots

Further south, the Atlantic coast also offers beautiful spots to observe the high tides. for example, Miramar Beach and Grande Plage are popular places to admire this phenomenon. For those who prefer to photograph high tides, the promenade overlooking Grande Plage offers an ideal viewpoint.

, although located in an estuary, is also an interesting place to observe the high tides, particularly during the first months of the year.

The influence of high tides on the coastal ecosystem

Beyond the visual spectacle, the high equinox tides play an important role in the coastal ecosystem. They promote the marine biodiversity by allowing the mixing of waters and facilitating the migratory movements of certain species. These phenomena also contribute to the formation and evolution of beaches and sandbanks.

Coastal erosion can increase during these periods, weakening certain areas of the coastline. Powerful waves can cause damage to coastal infrastructure and change the landscape of beaches and cliffs.

Practical tips for enjoying the show safely

Although the high equinox tides attract many curious people, caution is required when faced with this natural phenomenon. The authorities warn of the risks associated with large variations in sea level, particularly for shore fishermen and walkers.

Please be sure to:

  • Follow local safety guidelines
  • Do not venture alone into potentially dangerous areas.
  • Keep an eye on the tide times to avoid being surprised by rising waters
  • Be aware of weather conditions, which can accentuate the effects of high tides

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