DayFR Euro

Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls it “excellent news” after the PS's approval of Emmanuel Macron's impeachment procedure

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As requested by La insoumise, PS deputies do not oppose the examination by the National Assembly of a procedure for the dismissal of Emmanuel Macron. However, they “will unanimously oppose this impeachment proposal when it is examined by the Law Commission and then in public session”they specified in a press release on Monday, September 16. They believe that the procedure is “doomed to failure” and that it could give a form of “legitimacy” to the head of state.

Communist Fabien Roussel to meet Prime Minister on Tuesday afternoon. After receiving the leaders of the Les Républicains party on Monday, Michel Barnier is to meet with Fabien Roussel on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m., France Télévisions learned from the Communist Party. He will be accompanied by Senator Cécile Cukierman, president of the PCF group in the Senate, and MP Stéphane Peu.

Just a few more days to wait. The new government should not be known “before Sunday”said LR MPs' spokesperson Vincent Jeanbrun on Sud Radio on Monday. Prime Minister Michel Barnier has “a complex equation to solve” to compose an executive which must include “people who have experience” to get the budget voted through, he justifies.

Jordan Bardella warns Michel Barnier. The President of the National Rally declared on Monday morning that “If Michel Barnier continues a policy led by Emmanuel Macron for eight years, then this government will fall.” The RN “will judge on the evidence”explains Jordan Bardella, who also declares that he does not believe “that this government can last a long time.”

Ceiling letters sent to MPs. The ceiling letters, which set the budget for each ministry, will be sent to the Finance Committee on Monday, France Télévisions learned from Matignon. “The next government reserves the right to modify them, this is not the final version, there will be modifications”Matignon said.


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