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“The dollar is trash, buy Bitcoin and gold” according to Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad. The famous author of this bestseller, Robert Kiyosaki, does not mince his words when it comes to the current economy. The advice of the one who saw Bitcoin at $100,000 in June is simple and radical: stop saving in dollars, this “fake money”, and invest in bitcoin, gold and silver. And, in a sense, this is not surprising. Faced with a US debt that exceeds $35 trillion, Kiyosaki sees cryptocurrencies and gold as the only safe havens to survive the economic storm that is coming.

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For Kiyosaki, all evils come from there. He warns that the collapse of the bond market is a harbinger of deep economic troubles.

He also points out that the global economy is built on debt, and that this collapse exposes hidden weaknesses in the system.

For him, bank crashes are even more dangerous than visible stock market crashes, which is why he insists on investing in tangible assets like gold, bitcoin or even silver.

“As much as I want Trump to win… it really doesn’t make a difference if Trump or Harris wins. The real problem is the $35 trillion in US debt. That’s the real problem… neither Trump nor Kamala can fix it. As stated in previous tweets, the US debt is increasing by $1.1 trillion every 100 days. Interest on the US debt is the largest expense the US has at over $1 trillion per year.
As stated in previous tweets… if you spent $1 per minute, it would take 31,688 years to spend $1 trillion. In other words, we are screwed. The dollar is trash. Stop saving dollars, fake money… and start saving gold, silver and Bitcoin… real money.”

Robert Kiyosaki – Source:

Bitcoin, gold and silver: the winning trio!

Kiyosaki also denounces the sterile debates on the superiority of gold or bitcoin. For him, what matters is how much gold and bitcoin you own, period. “Debates about which is better between gold and bitcoin are like debating which car is better between a Ferrari and a Lamborghini while you’re riding the bus,” he quips.

Indeed, for him, those who focus on accumulating these assets will be the real winners when fake currencies like the dollar collapse.

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The author believes that gold, silver and bitcoin are the only true currencies in a world where the value of traditional currencies is manipulated and devalued.

For Kiyosaki, the message is clear: the safe haven is no longer in banks or government bonds, but in real assets. The author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad was even denouncing, until recently, the development of MNBC (Central Bank Digital Currencies) still in the dynamic of favoring tangible assets and not those invented by States.

He predicts that bitcoin, gold and silver prices will explode, especially when the Fed pivots to lower interest rates. In his view, these economic moves will only accelerate the flight of capital from “fake” assets to tangible assets.


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