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a man who came to buy a stock of El Mordjene spread was the victim of an ambush

The events took place in the Valbarelle district on Friday, September 13. The man was threatened with a handgun. He had 5,600 euros in cash to buy a stock of El Mordjene spread.

A man, an employee of a food store, was the victim of an ambush in (Bouches-du-Rhône) on Friday September 13 in the Valbarelle district, BFM Marseille Provence has learned.

The latter had an appointment with a man to… restock on El Mordjene spread, which has become famous on social networks and has been banned in Europe for several days.

A sum of 5,600 euros in cash

That day, the 27-year-old man is sent on a mission by his boss. The meeting is scheduled for 11 p.m. in this neighborhood of the 11th arrondissement. To buy this famous stock of spread, the employee has a sum of 5,600 euros in cash.

When he arrives, he is met by another man, who drives him to the building where the alleged seller is located. To settle the transaction, the victim is ordered to go up to the 4th floor. But once in the lobby of the building, a man with a handgun is waiting for him. The man demands the sum of 5,600 euros while threatening him, which the employee gives him before leaving.

Made famous on the Internet, the spread from Algeria is selling like hot cakes in all French shops. So much so that its price can reach 16 euros for 700 grams. But recently, the product was banned from sale in the European Union due to the importation of non-compliant dairy products. And in Marseille, the shipments are blocked in the port of Marseille.

Justine Cazaux and Martin Regley


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