DayFR Euro

Ibrahim Gündüz is a hit at Stade Verviétois B: “My goal-scoring drive is back”

“I initially came to play in eight or ten”explains the latter. “Following Michaël Mayanga’s injury, the coach put me back up front. It was at Rocherath and, after five minutes, I found the opening.”

It must be said that the new goal scorer for the Stadistes is not unknown to regional football. If his name had somewhat disappeared from the radar, he once wore the colours of La Calamine, Hombourg and Blegny.

“Then I stopped for three seasons. It was a personal choice, I had lost interest in football. But gradually, I missed it and I started again last season at Hermée. I also wanted to see if it was possible to combine football and work. I am self-employed in construction.”

When Stade Verviétois contacted him, the former Calaminois did not hesitate for long and decided to take up the new challenge offered. “I was frequently in contact with Mr Boccardo in the context of my professional activities. I told him then that, if I ever took up football again, I would join him in Verviers. He put me in touch with the coach and the feeling was immediate. He trusted me and I try to give him that back on the pitch.”

“Not here to lecture them”

At 27, Ibrahim Gündüz acts as an old hand and plays a bit of a guide for his young teammates. If this role is new for him, he does not seem to dislike it.

“I’m not here to lecture them, but to help and support them. The youngsters trust me and they trust me back on the pitch. It’s a really good group and we have a lot of fun.”

And when asked if D2 is an objective, he is very clear: “I really don’t think about that. If I’m asked to go, of course I’ll go. But I want to play my season for the coach and for the team. I’ve found my goal-scoring drive again and I want to score as much as possible. But be careful, the team will always come first.”


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