Serious traffic accident with two people evacuated in absolute emergency

Serious traffic accident with two people evacuated in absolute emergency
Serious traffic accident with two people evacuated in absolute emergency

SDIS 31 was called yesterday Sunday for a serious traffic accident between a motorcycle and a van in the town of Mauvaisin (Haute-Garonne) near Auterive. 2 people were evacuated in absolute emergency.

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The Haute-Garonne firefighters intervened this Sunday, September 29, 2024 for a serious traffic accident involving a motorcycle and a van in the town of Mauvaisin (Haute-Garonne) between Nailloux and Auterive.

A motorcycle and a van were traveling on the D622 on Sunday afternoon around 5 p.m. When emergency services arrived, traffic was blocked in both directions while the victims were rescued.

A 25-year-old man and a 31-year-old woman were transported in absolute emergency to the Purpan University Hospital in . A SAMU helicopter was sent to the scene to evacuate the young woman.



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