Drama on the A8 motorway: who was Samy Duplan, the biker who died in a collision on Sunday?

Drama on the A8 motorway: who was Samy Duplan, the biker who died in a collision on Sunday?
Drama on the A8 motorway: who was Samy Duplan, the biker who died in a collision on Sunday?

This Sunday evening near the Saint-Isidore toll, a collision between a car and a motorcycle claimed the lives of two people: a 28-year-old man and a woman of about 25 years old.

If we do not know the identity of the latter, the tributes for the driver of the motorcycle have multiplied.

Dolphin of Mister Côte d’Azur

“A charming boy, always ready to lend a hand”, remembers Charly, touched.

He was his colleague for almost a year at the AquaSport EauZone center in . He keeps on: “Samy did everything to free up time and come to help, even on closing days, as soon as the helping hand was appropriate”.

Dad of a little girl barely 2 years old, he was separated from his wife, a resident of .


At 28, the former 1st runner-up in the Mister France Côte d’Azur competition had worked under the cap of several brands. Among them: the Synergy Fit gym in Cagnes-sur-Mer. The various testimonials from regulars describe a man “caring and competent”.

“Live to ride, ride to live”

Samy Duplan moved to Nice in 2021, before quickly finding a first contract in the EauZone center. DR.

The sports coach liked to reveal his interests on social networks, and in particular on his Instagram page. “Live to ride, ride to live” (Live to ride, ride to live), could we read under one of his publications. A quote – which now takes on a completely different hue – addressed to its approximately 2,840 subscribers.

Doves and small words were deposited under a last post dating from less than a month. So many testimonies like a large sheaf of white roses, like a last goodbye.



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