Murder of Enzo: “France is fed up. Why aren’t we talking about my son?

Murder of Enzo: “France is fed up. Why aren’t we talking about my son?
Murder of Enzo: “France is fed up. Why aren’t we talking about my son?

A few days after the white march organized in tribute to Enzo, the mother of the stabbed teenager in Eure gave an interview to “Figaro“. Excerpts:

“I am an angry mom. There is no call for revenge but I want justice to do something”.

“My son wasn’t a fighter but he didn’t let it go. He put them on the ground but to have the last word, one of the two young people planted my son”.

Enzo manages to run for 150 meters, to a fire station.

“My son’s killer is currently in prison but the investigation will be long. There is a good chance that he will come out before his judgment. “To imagine that he could come out before his judgment is unbearable for me. It’s inconceivable that he can continue to see his family, his friends, to party and to live while he has taken the life of mine. It is not logical”. “When you stab twice and target the heart, you know very well what you are doing and that the person can die. For me, when you go out with a knife you know you’re going to use it. You are a killer, you stay in prison. I want the law for minors to be changed”.

“France is fed up. Why aren’t we talking about my son? Because he does not come from a city but from a small town of 1400 inhabitants? Because we remained in respect, silence and calm? Why our Head of State does not come to pay homage to us”. “My child was killed. I am a discreet person but I cannot remain silent. When young people act like that at 15, there is a real problem. My son’s story must serve as lessons”.



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