The former mayor of Bordeaux, Nicolas Florian, died this Sunday at the age of 55. Hospitalized since Friday following a stroke, he died in the morning at the Pellegrin CHU in Bordeaux. His disappearance marks the end of a political journey marked by his success and his challenges within the local Bordeaux scene.
A political journey closely linked to Alain Juppé
Originally from Lot-et-Garonne but Bordeaux for adoption since his childhood, Nicolas Florian was a key player in local politics. A graduate in business law, he began his political career as a parliamentary assistant to an RPR deputy before launching himself at 25 in a local mandate in Villenave-d’Ornon, in the Bordeaux suburbs. His ascent leads him to occupy several functions in the metropolis, the department and the region.
Assistant to finance, human resources and general administration under the town hall of Alain Juppé, Nicolas Florian became mayor of Bordeaux in March 2019. This passing of unexpected witness comes following the appointment of Alain Juppé to the Constitutional Council. This succession symbolizes the heritage of a long political tradition in a city previously directed by emblematic figures such as Jacques Chaban-Delmas and Alain Juppé himself.
- Nicolas Florian
An aborted attempt to keep the town hall
During his short term, Nicolas Florian endeavors to set his mark as “daily mayor”, insisting on proximity to the inhabitants. During the 2020 municipal elections, he presented himself with the hope of keeping his post but bowed to Pierre Hurmic, environmental candidate, despite an alliance with the Macronist camp in the second round.
-After this defeat, Nicolas Florian remains a major figure in the municipal opposition. Until his death, he pleaded in favor of a coalition between the Republicans and Renaissance in the first round of the municipal elections planned in 2026.
A career under the sign of proximity
Close to Valérie Pécresse, Nicolas Florian claimed a policy centered on the daily needs of the Bordeaux, far from the “great figures” which historically marked the city. During the 2020 campaign, he had welcomed Guillaume Chaban-Delmas, grandson of Jacques Chaban-Delmas on his list, thus strengthening the symbolic link with the history of the city.
His disappearance leaves a void in the Bordeaux political scene. Many elected officials and citizens already salute the memory of a man who, despite a brief mandate, sought to bring a personal touch to the inheritance of his predecessors.