“The Departed”directed by Martin Scorsese in 2006, is an acclaimed thriller that won several Academy Awards, including Best Picture. The film features a prestigious cast, but some renowned actors, such as Robert De Niro and Brad Pitt, were unable to participate in the project.
But why could these two big names in cinema not be able to play a leading role in the “The Departed” ? Robert De Niro, a long-time collaborator of Martin Scorsese, was tipped to play Frank Costello, the role ultimately given to Jack Nicholson. However, De Niro had to decline the offer due to his commitment as director of “The Good Shepherd”which prevented him from joining the project.
Brad Pitt, through his production company Plan B Entertainmentplayed a key role in the film’s production “The Departed”. Initially, he was considered to play Colin Sullivan, a role that ultimately went to Matt Damon. Pitt chose to focus on producing, leaving the acting opportunity to Damon.
A sequel planned with De Niro and Pitt?
After the success of the film, a sequel was considered. Mark Wahlberg, who played Sergeant Dignam, expressed his desire to reunite De Niro and Pitt for this project. However, despite his efforts to convince Warner Bros., the sequel did not see the light of day.
-Furthermore, Martin Scorsese revealed in an interview with GQ, that Warner Bros. wanted to transform “The Departed” into a franchise, even asking to change the ending of the film to allow for a sequel. The director refused this proposal, insisting on the definitive nature of the conclusion of his film.
In short, although De Niro and Pitt have been linked to the project “The Departed” through production and planned roles, their respective commitments to other film projects prevented their participation as lead actors. Additionally, attempts to extend the story failed due to creative differences between the director and the studio. While waiting for them to reach an agreement, find “The Departed” available for streaming on Mycanal and Prime Video.