Véronique Le Floc’h (CR) in the countryside: “One day, there will be no more agriculture in , and that, we don’t want it.”

Véronique Le Floc’h (CR) in the countryside: “One day, there will be no more agriculture in , and that, we don’t want it.”
Véronique Le Floc’h (CR) in the countryside: “One day, there will be no more agriculture in France, and that, we don’t want it.”

Véronique Le Floc’h, national president of rural coordination, was this Saturday in Lalanne-Trie in the CADIE of the campaign for the Chambers of Agriculture. His message is clear: “Let us work in peace!” »»

After having jumped almost from his car, under the vasts of the 150 to 200 members of rural coordination (65, 32 and 64), Véronique Le Floc’h immediately went around “her” troops, between hand handles and hugs , before even entering the village hall of Lalanne-Trie. And no one was able to escape the vitality and energy of the president of the CR. “It is now or never,” she says, “the agricultural world must regain control, and immediately. The real question is stop or even, we can no longer continue to undergo … Farmers must know what they want, either continue on the current model, or come back to something healthier, marked by common sense . We are there because we are farmers, we are not the sugar supplies of the food industry or large distribution. “And when he is told that the CR is taxed to be a” radical “union, she just smiles:” We try to make us pass for violent. We are not thugs, we are for dialogue. It is a campaign maneuver, look at all these people, you surely know, they are farmers, they have families, they just want to live with dignity in their profession. »»

“Change the system”

“Which means having real prices, there are enough bonuses of which only a few take advantage. We are not assisted or enslaved, we want justice. We are told about agricultural policy, but it is a policy for the food industry, not for farmers. As a result, industrialists prefer to import products at the lowest cost, even if it means letting our agriculture die. Precisely, on the question of cost, why French products are not competitive. “Because we have too many charges, too many standards. We are told of common agricultural policy in Europe, let’s start by harmonizing standards. There are not the same rules for all, we are asked to be exemplary on fertilizers, phytosanitary products, on the quality of our products, and at the same time, we import foods whose we do not know quality. »»


“Get common sense”

“We have more and more members, and at each stage of my Tour de departments, I see that our ideas are growing in power. I recently wrote a book with the philosopher Michel Onfray, it is very appreciated. Because our message is simple: leave us quiet, we are big enough to know how to cultivate, make good products. Our daily lives, he finds himself on the plates of all our fellow citizens. And our job is a passion. So, I tell farmers, vote for people who look like you, not for industrialists who only think of finance and for profit, on your back. It is no longer possible, one day, there will be no more agriculture in France, and that, we do not want it. The members applaud this speech. “It’s common sense, we all recognize ourselves. We are fed up with double speeches. Here, in rural coordination, we are a family, that of farmers. »»



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