At the end of the evening, according to our information, confirming that of BFM, a 69 -year -old man was very seriously injured by at least one shot while he was near a bus stop on Boulevard Guigou, in the 3rd th arrondissement of Marseille. Supported by the firefighters, the victim was transported to the emergency room with a committed vital prognosis.
“A conflict that degenerated”
From a police source, it is indicated that the privileged track, at this hour, is that of a dispute of private order. “”We are not a priori on a case linked to traffic but rather on a conflict that has degenerated“, Confirms this source. Information, to be verified, report a man with a long overview in this district on the border of the 14th arrondissement shortly before the facts.
The investigation was entrusted to the DCOS (former judicial police).