Bordeaux-Montaigne University opens its doors from Friday 24 to Saturday 25 January (1). With 16,000 students this year (against 17,000 last year), stagnation of the number of students is felt, in a context of strong competition from the private sector, which continues to attract more young people.
On Friday, as in recent years, attendance is decreasing, but goes back on Saturday. The fault of a unmarked day in high schools which is no longer compulsory and the rise of digital platforms, such as Parcoursup, which already gives a lot of information on orientation.
“Lots of information on the overall existence of offers, but little about the precise content of each sector,” tempers Pascal Hauquin, Director Information, Orientation and Professional Integration in Bordeaux-Montaigne. “For example, we still have students who enter the English-Spanish LEA license by thinking that it is a improvement to learn these languages. However, it is above all a support for learning other subjects such as history, ”he explains. As a result, the rate of passage in second year is less than 50 % for large sectors (history, lea, llce, etc.), hence the importance of these open days, in order to accompany the “case by case”.
“Flou project”
Despite the improvements of Parcoursup and the reform of the baccalaureate of 2021, with the abolition of the L, ES and S sectors, and the establishment of a common trunk with specialties, “we still have many students who register With a blurred project in mind, ”says Pascal Hauquin. And four years after the implementation of this reform, supposed to better prepare and guide students in the pursuit of their studies, he notes that “it did not really have an impact, in any case concerning letters and human sciences ».
An observation shared by Cassandra and Lola, two high school girls in Saint-André-de-Cubzac. If Lola, in technological baccalaureate sciences and technology of management and management (STMG), has a precise idea of what she would like to do, a communication license or CO tech, his Cassandra girlfriend, in general sector, still don’t know where to go. Despite the specialization in high school, she notices that many of her comrades are in the same case. For this reason, “we wanted to see of ourselves everything that was proposed and speak with the teachers,” they explain.
-Lift the doubts
But also to respond to their doubts. Corine Videau, school manager at IUT Bordeaux-Montaigne, present to exchange with high school students, notes above all a “blue fear linked to Parcoursup”. “They are wondering especially if their file will be selected and how the distribution of their applications will be distributed. »»
According to her, the reform of the bac “has inevitably changed things, since if a student did not take the mathematical specialty, that closes certain training”. “Fortunately, there are always possible passing effects,” she said. Joel and Belyndha, two Terminale students in Bac Pro Technician for Building, want to believe in this reorientation, in design, fashion or languages. “We were badly oriented” from college, they regret. Today, they hope that the University offers them new opportunities.
(1) From 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.