Samsung launches AI-powered interactive display for education

Samsung launches AI-powered interactive display for education
Samsung launches AI-powered interactive display for education

ARTA – Samsung launched its interactive display, its latest screen based on artificial intelligence (AI) on Tuesday, January 21. The display will be on display at the 2025 Center, Europe’s largest educational technology exhibition.

Samsung said on its official website that this display is designed to focus on education. By blending sophisticated hardware and cutting-edge AI features, Samsung wants to create a smarter and more engaging learning environment.

Samsung envisioned a future in which every classroom benefits from the transformative power of AI,” said Hoon Chung, Executive Vice President of Visual Display Operations at Samsung Electronics. “We are committed to creating inspiring technology. »

Chung seems to believe that the interactive screen can be a smart education solution. The reason is that the technology is equipped with an AI assistant from Samsung that can do many things, including real-time audio transcription.


Renal In addition to the transcription functionality, there are other features that can improve the learning experience of learners. Here are some of the features Samsung presents through AI Assistant:

year, although the device is just introduced in Europe, Samsung plans to expand its AI service to other education markets. The South Korean company will partner with global AI company, including Google, in this expansion.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language.
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