Maariv Hashavoua (“Le Soir de la Semaine”) is the heir to the former major right-wing daily Maarivfounded in 1948 by dissidents of the widely-circulated popular daily Yediot Aharonot. In 2010, Maariv was sold to the Hirsch Media press group, a right-wing group, owner of Makor Rishon and Hatzofe, and defending a religious nationalist vision. Since spring 2014, the old website of Maariv ( has become the echo chamber of Makor Rishon and only has a few survivors of the old Maariv.
Since May 2014, a Maariv brand new was relaunched by under the name of Maariv Hashavoua by the businessman Eli Azur, also owner of the Jerusalem Post (independent right). Maariv Hashavoua defends an editorial line that is center-right on a nationalist level and liberal on a socio-economic level. On Friday, the eve of the Sabbath, Maariv Ha shavoua appears under the name of Maariv Sof Hashavoua (« Maariv Weekend »).