the essential
It is a life dedicated to the community and to others, through sport, which is rewarded by the gold medal obtained at the prefecture by Anne-Marie Dubouch.
We only see her lately. Associative deformation certainly for Anne-Marie Dubouch who knows how to occupy all areas. We saw him very recently among the guests invited to the evening dedicated to volunteers. Then it was she who hosted the Sports Trophies evening. But this terrain is the first time she has set foot on it and you can bet that it will stay in her memory.
The humble Anne-Marie Dubouch, hidden behind her various hats and activities, nevertheless received at the end of last year a golden medal during the ceremony distinguishing the commitment of those who voluntarily work in the fields of youth, sports and of the associative. A distinction which rewards those who have devoted themselves honorably to the service of physical education and sports, youth movements and socio-educational activities and popular education in the service of the general interest.
And, there too, the resident of Montjoie-en-Couserans, retired after a long career as a dental assistant, has occupied the land for more than 40 years. Years spent serving sport, others and young people for the sparkling and energetic Anne-Marie, driven by “her taste for others and an infectious joie de vivre”. If she is today co-president of Omsep, the municipal sports office which brings together around forty sports associations in the town of Saint-Girons, she has traveled throughout Couserans and around with the members of the Club Gym Détente which she presides over. How many paths have actually been taken since his first diploma, followed by many others, obtained at Creps de Toulouse, forty years ago.
-Between relaxing gym activities, Nordic walking, mid-mountain hiking, she will not have counted her time serving others, “young and old, people with reduced mobility or those with mental disabilities to provide advice and practices good for the body, the mind and the heart through a pleasure of sharing, of seeing people happy.
A moment that the tireless Anne-Marie knows how to savor, this break crowned with a gold medal in the premises of the prefecture in Foix: “A great pride and an honor”, admits the only representative of Couserans to have obtained, this year, this distinction from the hands of the prefect.