American actor Brad Pitt finds himself, despite himself, at the center of a romantic fraud affair. A 53-year-old French woman, named Anne, was the victim of an online scam, believing she was in a relationship with him. This scam cost him 830,000 euros, or more than 500 million FCFA.
It all started on Instagram, when someone contacted Anne. The latter introduced herself to the victim as the actor’s mother and told her that she would like her to go out with her son.
Shortly after, an individual claiming to be Brad Pitt began corresponding with her. Frequent exchanges, including poems and declarations of love, convinced the victim that she was living an authentic story with the Hollywood star.
The scammer quickly requested money under various pretexts. He spoke of customs fees for supposedly sent gifts or medical treatments for fictitious cancer. Convinced by the story, Anne transferred large sums of money, totaling around 830,000 euros.
It wasn’t until the summer of 2024 that she realized she had been deceived. Disillusioned and shocked, she filed a complaint, and an investigation was opened to find those responsible for this scam. Currently, the victim is hospitalized for depression linked to this traumatic experience.
This case highlights the growing phenomenon of online romance scams. Scammers exploit the emotional vulnerability of their victims, especially on social media, to extract money from them.
Authorities recommend exercising caution, never sending money to strangers you meet on the Internet, and reporting any suspicious activity.
The case also brought attention to inappropriate behavior on social media. Toulouse Football Club made a tasteless joke about the story, leading to a public apology after a wave of outrage.
This scam is a reminder of the dangers that social media users can face. It is essential to remain vigilant and protect your personal information online.