Another major point expected from François Bayrou’s speech: the budget. Its examination resumes this Wednesday, in the Senate. Although he gave an objective, the Prime Minister did not announce anything specific. The overall “orientation” of the budget will be “towards a return to balance, necessarily multi-annual and respectful”.
If it does not change the objective of a return to 3% deficit in 2029, the government is reviewing its growth forecasts, following the economic consequences of the vote on the motion of censure. Instead of 1.1% growth, “let’s set (the forecast) at 0.9%, in accordance with the forecasts of the Banque de France,” announces François Bayrou.
Also revision of the public deficit reduction objective. Instead of the 5% of the Barnier version of the finance bill (PLF), that of François Bayrou now targets a deficit of 5.4% of GDP in 2025.
Despite everything, “savings will be offered”. He asks “all ministers to propose savings from the spring”. “An effort from which no one should be excluded.” It is a question of “finding a method of organizing the State, which does not endorse an increase in public expenditure”, adds the tenant of Matignon.
-He mentions one of the savings avenues, put forward regularly: “Is it necessary for more than 1000 agencies or operators to carry out public action? » asks the Prime Minister. Agencies which are “without real democratic control, which constitutes a labyrinth”. To make these savings on agencies, he is counting on proposals from deputies and senators. “It is the function of Parliament, which will express itself to its most relevant degree: to control and evaluate”, maintains François Bayrou, who expects an “inventive” effort.