The year 2025 will be marked by a major event: the inauguration of the Pasteur block, a district of the city center which has been the subject of a vast rehabilitation plan.
The work was launched in spring 2021 with the demolition of the existing buildings and will therefore have lasted four years. Prior to the work, many years were necessary for the studies started in 2014, for the shaping of the project and for obtaining authorizations and financing, in particular from Anah (National Housing Agency). The project, initiated by the municipality, came under the project management of Perpignan Méditerranée métropole. This is an exceptional project for two reasons. First of all because it profoundly transforms the city center with the destruction of unsanitary or degraded housing, the widening of the streets, the ventilation, security and beautification of the neighborhood.
Then, because alongside its urban planning aspect, the project is also a social project. It includes the construction by the OPH66 (Public Housing Office) for disabled people employed by the Esat (establishment and service of assistance through work) Val de Sournia, of 24 social housing units as well as that of a small building of two social housing units with a mix of generations. The work is nearing completion and we can now see very clearly what has become of the Pasteur islet. Place de La Poste has been beautified, rue des Forgerons, which has now become a paved pedestrian street, has regained its route from the Napoleon land register, rue Pasteur and rue de La Poste have been given a facelift and public lighting will be renovated. In a village where local shops are extremely dynamic, where the town center has remained lively, this transformation brings an additional advantage to the living environment so appreciated by residents.