The cradle of the American film industry still in the grip of devastating fires, the Academy of the Oscars announced Monday evening, January 13, the definitive cancellation of the traditional nominees’ luncheon in Los Angeles. In one week, 24 people died and 92,000 people are still affected by an evacuation order.
This lunch, initially planned in Beverly Hills on February 10, was the opportunity to announce the nominations for the 2025 Oscars which should be held on March 2. These will finally just be released online on January 23 by the Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences, which awards the precious statuettes. “We are all devastated by the impact of the fires and the immense loss suffered by so many people in our community”said Academy CEO Bill Kramer and President Janet Yang.
The Academy of Oscars, however, announced Monday that it was maintaining its gala evening until March 2, during which the awards will be awarded. “We are determined to use this opportunity to celebrate our resilient and compassionate industry”declared the Academy in a press release, which added that it intended “honorary” people “who helped fight the fires”.
Several events in the world of cinema have been canceled or postponed even though the awards season has just started. The Critics Choice Awards ceremony, which was to be held on Sunday, was thus postponed, and the nominations for the SAG Awards (SAG), the awards of the American actors’ union, were revealed by simple press release.
-The Grammys and the Sundance festival maintained
The Grammy Awards will also take place in Los Angeles “as planned” on February 2, the organizers of the most prestigious ceremony in the American music industry announced Monday, which will take place “in close coordination with local authorities” et will aim to raise funds to fight forest fires. Likewise, the prestigious Sundance independent film festival, which is to be held next week in Utah (west), also maintained. “We are in mourning, but we also know that it is important to continue moving forward.declared the organizers.
Hollywood studios and streaming platforms have announced donations to support relief efforts and contribute to reconstruction efforts. Warner Bros. and Disney have pledged $15 million each, while Netflix, Amazon and Comcast, Universal’s parent company, have said they will give $10 million each.