Following the devastating fires which affected Los Angeles and its surrounding areas, Harry and Meghan came to the aid of the victims in Pasadena. An action which was strongly criticized by a famous American actress.
Since January 7, terrible fires have ravaged the Los Angeles region and its surrounding areas. Currently, the death toll stands at 24, with 37,800 hectares up in smoke and tens of thousands of people evacuated. Faced with this disaster, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wanted to help the victims by going to Pasadena on Friday, January 11. While there, the couple was filmed speaking with victims at an evacuation center. A visit which was strongly criticized by actress Justine Bateman, known in particular for her role in the series Sacred Family.
On X (formerly Twitter), the 58-year-old actress reacted the next day to a video in which the parents of Archie and Lilibet, caps on their heads and looking serious, are chatting with disaster victims. “Meghan Markle and Harry are no better than ambulance chasers”she wrote, later claiming that their appearance was a “photo operation”. “What a disgusting ‘photo shoot’ they pulled off. Are they ‘surrounding the damage’? Are they politicians now? They don’t live here, they’re tourists”she continued. Before specifying: “Disaster tourists.” Strong words.
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Meghan Markle and Harry shocked by fires in Los Angeles, they appeal for donations
This visit is not the only action taken by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in the face of the Los Angeles fires. Two days after the disaster began, the Duke and Duchess launched an appeal for generosity on their official website. “Some families and people were left with nothing”they wrote, upset by the scale of these fires. Through their press release, they also highlighted the importance of donations “clothing, toys and children’s clothing and other basic necessities.” With a state of emergency declared, Meghan Markle and Harry also called on California residents to help each other. “If a friend, loved one or pet needs to evacuate and you can offer them a safe haven in your home, please do so.”they added. “And don’t forget to ask your disabled or elderly neighbors if they need help evacuating,” they concluded, before listing all the associations to which they could turn.