The SNRC reveals its price revision index for the collective catering sector – Restauration21

The SNRC reveals its price revision index for the collective catering sector – Restauration21
The SNRC reveals its price revision index for the collective catering sector – Restauration21

The adjusted price is determined by the ratio between the current period index and the reference index, according to the formula above. Screenshot ©SNRC

Available to all collective catering companies, the index will allow them to better integrate changes in costs into their commercial relations with their customers.

To put an end to the weakening of their economic model generated by the divergence between the INSEE indices used for the revaluation of the prices of collective catering services and the real evolution of the cost of labor and the prices of raw materials, the companies of collective catering worked on a price revision index, co-constructed for more than a year and a half in partnership with the Legal Affairs Department of the economic and financial ministries and INSEE, which validated it.

Two indexes are now available for all collective catering companies: one is intended for on-site catering services, the other for delivered catering. They are updated monthly, public and accessible on the dedicated page of the Syndicat National de Restauration Collective (SNRC) website:

The 3 main cost indicators retained are: the cost of food, that of labor and that of miscellaneous elements (Including 10 INSEE indices on energy and other costs).


« The objective of this index is to objectively integrate upward or downward trends in the cost of labor and raw materials into contracts. It is a major tool serving the sustainability of this socially responsible model, serving healthy, safe and sustainable food. », specifies the SNRC. It recommends that SRCs include it in contract price review clauses.

To find out how to integrate this index into a current public procurement contract or into a current contract, excluding public procurement, go to the dedicated page or do not hesitate to contact the SNRC.




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