This is an original show about Russia, Saturday January 11 at Café Mauve, a travel story by singer and musician Jules Moreau.
Neither totally a concert nor a one-man show, even less a conference, “Nishtiak! Russia by hitchhiking… and in music” is the travelogue of singer and musician Jules Moreau. On Saturday January 11, he will give an original and very personal one-hour show at Café Mauve, in Saint-Jean-des-Mauvrets.
From St. Petersburg to Lake Baikal
Testimony, singing in Russian, acoustic guitar, accordion, balalaika, Jules will translate his experience as a four-month backpacker-hitchhiker, in the winter of 2019 – 2020, from Saint Petersburg to Lake Baikal. When I returned to Angers, a week before confinement, I dreamed that a friend suggested that I make a show about the Russians, which I began to imagine when I woke up.
confides the artist. Characters encountered during his journey, anecdotes on the history of Russia, traditional Slavic or contemporary songs from the Soviet era, the artist wants to challenge the image that current events can give of this complex and multifaceted country .
I’m talking about the warmth, the hospitality, the humanity of Russians. This is all the more important in the current context of appalling external aggression and repression by the country’s leaders.
believes Jules.
You have to come to the show to know the meaning of “Nischtiak
laughs the artist who, for five years, has been performing on stage with two groups that also encourage travel – the trio Zajigaï and Bosko – or solo, like on Saturday.
“Nishtiak!” Russia by hitchhiking… and with music”: Saturday January 11 at 10:30 a.m. at Café Mauve, Place de la Mairie in Saint-Jean-des-Mauvrets. Prices: €10 (member: €8). Reservation: 07 69 11 93 82,