The Cure on stage in El Paso (image source: Wikimedia Commons)
The group doesn’t want to waste any more time.
If in 2024, the media will have talked a lot about the return of Oasis, ultimately it was The Cure who released one of the best-selling rock albums of the yearwith success in several countries around the world. “Songs of a lost world”, their first album since 2008was indeed a hit almost everywhere, so much so that the album was even decorated with a gold disc in France a few days ago. But no time to savor success for Robert Smith and his colleagues: they would already have their heads turned towards the next album, which could arrive before summer 2025!
Lots of things in the works
We had already talked about it on our site in the middle of December: The Cure would already have several projects under their belt, and they even have an album that would already be ready. An album that could even be a “complement” to “Songs of a Lost World”without us really knowing what that meant. Better : Robert Smith says they want to make a trilogywith a third album which would arrive later, to conclude the triptych.
The album Songs Of A Lost World is a work based on emotion and album number two is not as dark, but it explores other subjects in more depth. The third one is very strange, actually.
This is what the leader of The Cure said in an interview in December. But in a brand new interview with Radio X, RObert Smith went a little further, saying the band’s new album should arrive “before next summer, if all goes well.”.
I’m currently finishing the sequel to “Songs Of A Lost World”, which will hopefully be released before next summer. All I have to do is mix it. He is not not as dark, although it probably contains the saddest song of all. It also contains some songs that we played live and which didn’t make the cut for “Songs Of A Lost World”, as well as some new songs that no one has ever heard. It’s more varied, I think.
Only good news for fans of The Cure, who, after waiting for the return of their favorite group for years, are spoiled in 2024/2025! If you ever want to hear some crazy anecdotes about the band, it’s here.