Drunk and incoherent, he attacks the night watchman of a hotel in and then the police

Drunk and incoherent, he attacks the night watchman of a hotel in and then the police
Drunk and incoherent, he attacks the night watchman of a hotel in Pau and then the police

The editorial team advises you

The facts date back to the night of November 7 to 8. A police patrol is called to a hotel near the entrance to the highway in and comes across two men chasing each other: the hotel night watchman and Mamadou Diallo. And from the start, we don’t really understand why the latter attacked the watchman. He explains that he had been attacked, that he was afraid and that he wanted to leave for . He didn’t feel safe in this hotel. He is visibly drunk.

“Disturbing” facts

Nor do we understand the reasons for his rebellion against the police, one of whom injured his index finger while trying to control Mamadou, who struggled like hell during his arrest. The situation became tense to the point that one of the officers was forced to hit him in the face to make him let go of a colleague’s belt, his hands very close to the police officer’s service weapon.

Finally brought back to the police station, the thirty-year-old refuses the biological sample that a police officer must take. He throws himself at another police officer whom he grabs by the vest. Both men are on the ground and colleagues have to intervene. For the civil parties, Me Héloïse Begué evokes “disturbing” facts both for the night watchman and for the police officers.

There will be no further explanation in court. The comments are “incoherent, disjointed and contradictory”, notes deputy prosecutor Orlane Yaouanq. “And he asks for a residence permit after attacking symbols of authority,” she laments. The police are not intended to be the outlet for Mr.’s psychological, alcohol and temperamental problems. »

In defense, Me Macri tries to detect a “delusion of persecution” and “paranoia” where the expert psychiatrist only diagnosed impulsivity. Mamadou Diallo is sentenced to 6 months in prison. He also received, following the requisitions, a definitive ban from French territory.



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