Horoscope of the day | 24 hours

Astrological forecast

Horoscope of the day

Check today’s forecast for your astrological sign. Whether you are looking for advice in love, at work, or for your well-being, find out what the day has in store for you.

Published today at 9:21 a.m.

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From March 21 to April 20

1ᵉʳ decan: March 21 – March 30 | 2nd decan: March 31 – April 9 | 3rd decan: April 10 – April 20

Heart: If requests pile up today, you will take them at short notice without much difficulty. This means that your state of mind requires just that: movement, improvisation! (3rd decan)

Active life: Know that by the end of the week, you will have the law on your side. Any decision relating to a procedure could therefore be made to your advantage. (3rd decan)

Illustration of the astrological sign of Taurus


From April 21 to May 21

1ᵉʳ decan: April 21 – April 30 | 2nd decan: May 1 – May 10 | 3rd decan: May 11 – May 21

Heart: A pretty romantic panorama, a tender feeling, a strong desire to believe in it or obstacles that are smoothed out: when Venus is in Pisces, love stories don’t go so badly… in general. (1ᵉʳ decan)

Active life: This is a time to work on creativity more than sociability. It is in you that you will find the best to give: intuition, inspiration, imagination, beautiful ideas to develop. (1ᵉʳ decan)

Illustration of two identical characters facing each other, pink hair, surrounded by stars and astrological symbols.


From May 22 to June 21

1ᵉʳ decan: May 22 – May 31 | 2nd decan: June 1 – June 10 | 3rd decan: June 11 – June 21

Heart: Dare to have a daring experiment, give priority to the “unannounced” mode. The moon in Aries will allow you today to do only what you like, when you like. (3rd decan)

Active life: This moon in Aries will finally encourage your initiatives. A piece of advice: today, be frank, direct, assert yourself, express yourself more clearly and get to the heart of the matter! (3rd decan)

Illustration credit: ISTOCK PHOTO/KIYANOCHKA

Logo with an orange lobster on a light blue background surrounded by stars, with the text 'Café du Homard' to the right.


From June 22 to July 22

1st decan: June 22 – July 1 | 2nd decan: July 2 – July 12 | 3rd decan: July 13 – July 22

Heart: This planet could well lead you to the right person without you even realizing it. In short, if your alter ego was hanging around, you could recognize him with your eyes closed. (1ᵉʳ decan)

Active life: As you are (these days) more focused on others, you also feel their needs better. This is how we can better understand what some people expect of us. (1ᵉʳ decan)

Logo with a lion's head surrounded by colored stars.


From July 23 to August 22

1st decan: July 23 – August 1 | 2nd decan: August 2 – August 12 | 3rd decan: August 13 – August 22

Heart: Today, we will mainly talk about a whirlwind of activities, meetings and many subjects of curiosity. Your private life will undoubtedly take second place, without it being annoying. (3rd decan)

Active life: If you are waiting for a decision related to the law, the answer may well be yes. It probably took a while but the “yes” is now. (3rd decan)

Illustration of a circle with a stylized female figure surrounded by stars on a light blue background.


From August 23 to September 22

1ᵉʳ decan: August 23 – September 3 | 2nd decan: September 4 – September 12 | 3rd decan: September 13 – September 22

Heart: A destabilizing element could sneakily slip into your feelings: this is what the presence of Venus in the fluctuating sign of Pisces can mean. Be very vigilant. (1ᵉʳ decan)

Active life: You still risk being an inconsistent chump: so remember to respect your commitments, prove your reliability and pay attention to your somewhat inconsistent behavior. (3rd decan)

Colorful illustration with a symbolic scale and a light bulb in the center, representing equality and enlightenment.


From September 23 to October 22

1ᵉʳ decan: September 23 – October 3 | 2nd decan: October 4 – October 14 | 3rd decan: October 15 – October 22

Heart: This day will not exclude a big inappropriate tantrum because the moon in Aries has a way of getting on your nerves: you will have no problem telling your partner that everything is their fault. (3rd decan)

Active life: If you are waiting for a response in relation to a procedure, you can be rather optimistic because with Mercury in Sagittarius as an ally, the law is generally on your side. (3rd decan)

Illustration of a stylized scorpion surrounded by stars on a blue background, representing the astrological sign of Scorpio.


From October 23 to November 22

1ᵉʳ decan: October 23 – November 2 | 2nd decan: November 3 – November 12 | 3rd decan: November 13 – November 22

Heart: It’s still cuddly, romantic and perhaps even close-knit for our Scorpio of the 1st decan. This delicious Venus in Pisces generally guarantees you the best of emotion.

Active life: The Sun in Capricorn also tells you that it is by taking the time to think carefully about the problems you encounter, without putting pressure on yourself, that you will have the best results. (2nd decan)

Logo with a blue circle illustrated with a sun, arrow and star patterns, accompanied by the text 'The Celestial Influence'.


From November 23 to December 2

1ᵉʳ decan: November 23 – December 2 | 2nd decan: December 3 – December 12 | 3rd decan: December 13 – December 21

Heart: The planets in your daily sky above all suggest pleasant moments of relaxation in good company. You will undoubtedly feel like a rather sociable soul. Romantic cocooning? That will be for another day! (3rd decan)

Active life: Today, this moon in Aries will make you more confident, more frank too. Your comments will be more spontaneous and this can only increase your credibility. That’s a good point. (3rd decan)

Logo of a Capricorn zodiac with a goat and stars.


From December 22 to January 20

1ᵉʳ decan: December 22 – December 31 | 2nd decan: January 1 – January 11 | 3rd decan: January 11 – January 20

Heart: If a subject angers you, don’t react too bluntly! Between spontaneous and aggressive, there is a real nuance that you tend to forget when the moon in Aries clashes with Pluto. (3rd decan)

Active life: There are ways and means to express your dissatisfaction and today, you will not beat around the bush. Or impatience will make you stamp your feet and it could cause you to slip. (3rd decan)

Illustration of the astrological sign of Aquarius, representing an orange vase pouring water, surrounded by stars.


From January 21 to February 19

1ᵉʳ decan: January 21 – January 30 | 2nd decan: January 31 – February 9 | 3rd decan: February 10 – February 18

Heart: This day promises more entertainment than emotions but we bet you won’t lose out. Get moving, go out, laugh and you won’t have to complain about this Tuesday. (3rd decan)

Active life: You are rather in the right camp if you are waiting for a court decision. Mercury in Sagittarius is a positive guarantee in any legal procedure. Good to know. (3rd decan)

Pisces zodiac logo with two stylized fish surrounded by stars.


From February 20 to March 20

1ᵉʳ decan: February 19 – February 29 | 2nd decan: March 1 – March 10 | 3rd decan: March 11 – March 20

Heart: Venus in Pisces still grants you its sweet amenities and its “soaring” assets, which should envelop your loves in delicious finery. Take advantage of this benevolent heavenly manna! (1ᵉʳ decan)

Active life: At the moment, because of this prolonged disagreement of Mercury with Neptune, if you remain vague, you will inevitably become disillusioned. So before saying “ok”, try to study the file. (3rd decan)

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