As part of the EnRezo project, Cerema carried out five thematic analyzes on the development potential of heat and cold networks, based on data on production installations and the needs of tertiary and housing buildings. They show the full potential of these networks to meet territorial decarbonization objectives.
A presentation webinar is organized on February 6, 2025.
The French Energy-Climate Strategy and the Multi-year Energy Program set ambitious objectives for the development of heat and cold networks and thus promote renewable and recovery energies. Indeed, if renewable energies represent less than 25% of the heat produced in France, they represent more than 65% of the energy mix of heating networks.
Connecting the need for heat and cold and renewable energy sources
The challenge is to develop new heating networks where needs are identified and where renewable energies and recovery (EnR&R) are available. Another complementary approach consists of “green” existing networks by promoting nearby renewable energy sources, such as wastewater treatment plants or waste incineration plants.
Public policy for the development of heating and cooling networks aims to:
- Create new networks (heating network, cold network, temperate water loop)
- Extend existing networks (which may require additional production units)
- Densify existing networks (connection of new subscribers in the immediate vicinity of the network)
- The greening networks (integrating a maximum of RE&R into the energy mix)
The EnRezo project cartography of the development potential of heat and cold networks is financed by the DGEC and Ademe, and follows a European research project, called “Life Heat & Cool”, in which Cerema participated and which made it possible to develop a methodology to identify this potential. This national mapping of heat and cold needs for residential and tertiary buildings made it possible to define opportunity zones deployment of heating and cooling networks according to the proximity between buildings whose needs have been assessed.
The objective is thus to consolidate networks of heat which allows diversify energy sources and to value the locally produced renewable energies.
Based on the analysis of needs and the location of renewable and recovery energy deposits, the EnRezo project allows public and private actors to identify project development possibilities on a fine scale. Furthermore, without a context of climate change and an increase in heatwave episodes, As cold needs are expected to increase, Cerema carefully identifies the potential for developing cold networks.