It’s already back to school for school, after two well-deserved weeks of rest. Find out what the weather will be like and what the temperatures will be this Monday, January 6, 2025 in our department.
The sky will be cloudy all day. The showers which will fall in the morning, in the Cévennes and its foothills as well as from Vidourle to Cèze, will stop at midday. For the night: The sky will often be cloudy. In the second part of the night, it will clear up. On the other hand, from the Causses to Aigoual, rain showers will occur at the end of the night, which could bring a few flakes up to 1000 meters.
The heaviest rainfall totals could be around 15 millimeters from Sumène to Grand-Combe to the Cévennes. Until the end of the morning, the south to southeast wind will be quite strong from Nîmes to the Rhône, with peaks at 60 or 70 km/h; followed by mitigation. During the night, the wind will turn to the North-West, and will approach 100 km/h in Aigoual.
Concerning the maximum temperatures for the day: count around 13 to 16 degrees from the Gard plains to the coast. Throughout the mountainous northwest of Gard, they will be between 9 and 12 degrees. Minimum temperatures for the following night: around 1 to 4 degrees, and 8 degrees approaching the sea, 0 degrees from the Causses to Aigoual.