Xiaomi has launched a new compact smart display. However, the device only has a few similarities with the Echo Show. For example, the Xiaomi Smart Camera Video Call Version is primarily designed to facilitate video calls rather than media playback. For video calls, the system is equipped with a camera, microphone and a 3.5-inch screen with a resolution of 320 x 480. Xiaomi’s smart display seems to target young users and families looking for a centralized device to make quick video calls with one or more people.
Just tap the touchscreen to make calls. But Xiaomi integrated the device with WeChat, a platform ubiquitous in China but not widespread in other regions. Therefore, the usefulness of the Xiaomi Smart Camera for video calls might be very limited outside of China. The system can also serve as a security camera, with a 131° wide-angle lens and 4-megapixel resolution, as well as built-in infrared lighting for recording in the dark. Captured images can be uploaded to the cloud, stored on an SD card, or backed up to a network storage solution. The device would also feature AI human detection capability.
The product is currently available in China for around $40. There is no information yet on a worldwide release.