On All Saints’ Day 2024, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies decreed a “deadliest day” in the year: January 3, namely this Friday.
Be careful, here we are. With its average of 1,900 deaths – including 300 more than the other days of the year – January 3 is the “deadliest day» of the year, according to INSEE figures published in October. But why the hell a 19% increase in deaths specifically on this day? According to the study which was carried out between 2004 and 2023, this peak could “in part” be explained by the commonly shared desire to spend the end-of-year holidays “with loved ones as well as that of reaching a new year“. The death of people at the end of life could thus be delayed by a few days or weeks.
This year could nevertheless prove to be a little less fatal for two reasons. Already because January 3 does not fall on a Tuesday, the deadliest day of the week according to INSEE, but on a Friday – however ranked second on a par with Monday. Also because already in 2023, 35,900 fewer people died than in 2022 – even if the number of deaths in 2023 remained 4% higher than the pre-pandemic level of 2019 due to the aging of the population and an increase lower life expectancy.
The other peaks of the calendar
More than January 3, it is the autumn and winter periods which are particularly conducive to the last breaths. Between October 31 and April 18, their daily number is above average. After this date and during all good days, the mortality gap is negative, with August 15 as the least deadly day of the year – on average 1,410 deaths. Note, however, that for people aged between 1 day and 29 years only, the curve is reversed: summer is much more disastrous.
Another key date noted in the study: the day of his birthday. This day is the one when we are most likely to die, 6.3% more precisely than the other days. Among the hypotheses put forward, there is that linked to excesses (alcohol, fatigue due to the party, etc.) causing an increase in road accidents, falls or cardiovascular accidents on the big day.
This “birthday syndrome” has also been observed in other countries such as Switzerland or the United States. This symbolic date would also be likely to exacerbate a feeling of sadness or loneliness in certain people. In Japan, the risk of suicide increases on one’s birthday, reports INSEE in a study published in 2024. Looking forward to August 15.