We are sure that you subscribe to at least one streaming service (unless you prefer to go to somewhat dubious sites to watch your films and series for free). Between Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, Apple TV+ and even Max, there is plenty to do, but also leave a tidy sum monthly to access as much content as possible. Obviously, the American public has not wanted to increase subscriptions over the past year. Study finds consumers spent much less money in 2024 than in 2023 to access streaming platforms.
The video streaming sector not at the top of its form in the United States?
A spending survey conducted by Reviews.org on a sample of 1,000 consumers reveals that the average American will spend $42.38 per month on subscriptions to video streaming services in 2024. It allocated $55.04 monthly to this component in 2023, which represents a drop of 23%. A surprising figure knowing that the price of subscription to each platform continues to increase and taking into account the end of account sharing decided by Netflix and Disney+?
It is above all a sign that viewers are not ready to subscribe regardless of the conditions. Another telling figure proves it. “ A total of 27.8% of Americans report experiencing “streaming fatigue,” defined as feeling overwhelmed by the growing number of streaming apps ”, says Reviews.org.
The survey does not go so far as to ask why consumers feel this weariness, but we can imagine that increasingly high prices, the lack of qualitative content or quite simply saturation in view of an ever richer offer can explain it. No doubt you have already passed more time during an evening deciding which film or series to watch than to watch the program itself.
Note, however, that the average American uses 2.2 streaming services and watches three hours and 49 minutes of streaming services per daywhich remains quite high. Let's hope that an organization will soon take an interest in the state of the market in France in order to have elements of comparison. Don't forget that there are many free streaming apps on iPhone.