Mons. What will happen to Christmas trees?

Mons. What will happen to Christmas trees?
Mons. What will happen to Christmas trees?

It’s a recurring question every January: how to recycle the Christmas tree that proudly sits in the living room? Two solutions are offered to the residents of Mons: take the tree to the recycling center or place it in one of the two enclosures deployed since Thursday, December 26 and until Monday, January 27 by Métropole.

A natural fertilizer

Sites always located close to roads in order to facilitate the process and avoid illegal dumping. The exhaustive list of collection points in the metropolis is available on the website:


Removed from Christmas baubles and other garlands, the trees will then be transported to a composting platform. Following a mechanism of degradation and fermentation of organic matter, the residues of these trees can thus constitute a natural fertilizer capable of nourishing metropolitan green spaces. Moreover, transformed into mulch, these residues also represent an ideal solution for garden maintenance, saving water and replacing fertilizer.

In Mons, the two fir enclosures are located on Allée du Cimetière (near the town hall) and Rue de Monac (near the Espace Monac).




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